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Concurso exclusivo para cerveceros caseros afiliados al Tijuana Homebrew Club.
*Límite 1 entrada por sub categoría por participante
ORO - Una cerveza de clase mundial, que ejemplifica adecuadamente el estilo específico, mostrando el balance adecuado de sabor, aroma y apariencia.
Deberá contar con un puntaje entre los 38 y 50 puntos según el método de evaluación BJCP.
PLATA - Una cerveza excelente que puede variar un poco de los parámetros específicos del estilo, pero aun así mantiene un buen balance de sabor, aroma y apariencia adecuados para el estilo.
Deberá contar con un puntaje entre los 35 y 38 puntos según el método de evaluación BJCP.
BRONZE - Una cerveza con buen ejemplo del estilo, que puede salirse un poco de los parámetros y/o tener algunos defectos mínimos en sabor, aroma y apariencia.
Deberá contar con un puntaje entre los 30 y 35 puntos según el método de evaluación BJCP.
Best of Show:
Reconocimiento otorgado a las tres mejores cervezas de la competencia de acuerdo al criterio de un panel formado por jueces con más experiencia de la competencia.
Categorías BJCP 2021 participantes:
4 - Pale Malty European Lager
6 - Amber Malty European Lager
7 - Amber Bitter European Lager
8 - Dark European Lager
9 - Strong European Beer
15 - Irish Beer
23 - European Sour
24 - Belgian Ale
25 - Strong Belgian Ale
30 - Spiced Beer
Fecha límite de inscripción: 29 de Noviembre - Entrega de muestras: 22 - 29 de Noviembre
Registro de entradas:
$250 pesos por entrada, depositando a la cuenta (CitiBanamex) 5204 1658 6696 8195 y mandando comprobante a:
Entregar 3 botellas de 12oz con etiqueta BJCP colocada con ligas (no cinta adhesiva)
Lugar de entrega de muestras: Madero Tasting Room, de 12:00 PM a 12:00 AM
Av. Jalisco 2480, Cacho, 22040 Tijuana, B.C.
BJCP 2021 Judging Styles
If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 3
Judging Sessions and Dates
Session 1
Saturday, November 30, 2024 11:00 AM, PST
* Reconocimiento y medalla a los 3 primeros lugares por categoría.
* Medalla a los 3 primeros lugares en Best Of Show
Awards Ceremony
Posada THC
Saturday, December 14, 2024 8:00 PM, PST
A strong, rich, and very malty German lager that can have both pale and dark variants. The darker versions have more richly-developed, deeper malt flavors, while the paler versions have slightly more hops and dryness.
Entry Info: The entrant select specify whether the entry is a pale or a dark variant.
A complex, refreshing, pleasantly sour Belgian wheat beer blending a complementary fermented fruit character with a sour, funky Gueuze.
Entry Info: The type of fruit used MUST be specified. The brewer must declare a carbonation level (low, medium, high) and a sweetness level (low/none, medium, high).
A family of smooth, fairly strong, malty, lagered artisanal French beer with a range of malt flavors appropriate for the blond, amber, or brown color. All are malty yet dry, with clean flavors. Darker versions have more malt character, while paler versions can have more hops while still remaining malt-focused beers.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify blond, amber, or brown Bière de Garde.
A family of refreshing, highly attenuated, hoppy, and fairly bitter Belgian ales with a very dry finish and high carbonation. Characterized by a fruity, spicy, sometimes phenolic fermentation profile, and the use of cereal grains and sometimes spices for complexity. Several variations in strength and color exist.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the strength (table, standard, super) and the color (pale, dark). The entrant MAY identify character grains used.
An appealing fusion of spices, herbs, or vegetables (SHVs) and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The SHV character should be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. Often called Spice Beer, regardless of whether spices, herbs, or vegetables are used.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, herbs, or vegetables used, but individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known spice blend is used (e.g., apple pie spice, curry powder, chili powder). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A malty, spiced beer that often has a moderately rich body and slightly warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cool fall season, and often evocative of harvest or Thanksgiving traditions. Autumn Seasonal Beers are beers that suggest cool weather and the autumn harvest season, and may include pumpkins, gourds, or other squashes, and associated spices.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, herbs, or vegetables used; individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., pumpkin pie spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
A stronger, darker, spiced beer that often has a rich body and warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cold winter season. Winter Seasonal Beers are beers that suggest cold weather and the Christmas holiday season, and may include holiday spices, specialty sugars, and other products that are reminiscent of the festive season.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, sugars, fruits, or additional fermentables used; individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., mulling spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
An appealing combination of spices, herbs, or vegetables (SHVs), sugars, and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The SHV and sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. A Specialty Spice Beer is a 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable (SHV) Beer with some additional ingredients, such as fermentable sugars (e.g., honey, brown sugar, invert sugar, maple syrup), sweeteners (e.g., lactose), adjuncts, alternative grains, or other special ingredients added, or some additional process applied. 30B Autumn and 30C Winter Seasonal Beers already allow additional ingredients, and should not be used as a base in this style.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of SHVs used, but individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known spice blend is used (e.g., apple pie spice, curry powder, chili powder). The entrant MUST specify the type of additional ingredient (per the introduction) or special process employed. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.